Welcome to Cedar Elm Ranch Meats!
We are ranchers on a third generation, family-owned, 450 acre ranch in Central Texas. From the beginning, land and animal stewardship has always been our highest priority. When it was our turn to manage the family land we decided on sustainable practices which includes: rotational grazing for land management, a multi-species operation which includes Berkshire pigs, Dorper sheep, and Angus cattle, and no hormones or antibiotics. Though all of our animals are free-range and pasture-fed, supplemental feed is sometimes necessary. Our first choice of feed supplementation is non-GMO alfalfa hay fed directly or used in a locally milled feed where we hand select all the ingredients to ensure the highest quality of corn and soybean free feed. We use our experience, passion, and knowledge of agriculture to raise the highest quality animals which gives us happy, healthy animals who have a life worth living. All of our animals are processed at USDA or Texas State inspected facilities and we offer artisan and traditional cuts that guarantee satisfaction. So now you can experience a better cut of meat from a source you can trust. We appreciate you taking a look at our page!
See our available products and specials here!
Cedar Elm Ranch Meats
494 Kneese Rd. Fredericksburg Tx. 78624
990 CR 532 Evant Tx. 76525